I have a for loop in process, which works fine with std_logic arrays, but not with record arrays. I use Xilinx ISE along with ISIM and the code is vhdl-93. The target will be a Spartan 3.
Here is the record definition:
CS : std_logic;
MOSI : std_logic;
CLK : std_logic;
constant SYNC_LATCHES : integer := 2;
Here is the array definition and declaration:
type spi_rx_array_t is array (0 to SYNC_LATCHES) of spi_rx_t;
signal spi_in_array : spi_rx_array_t;
Below is the process:
spi_in_array(0).MOSI <= SPI_MOSI;
spi_in_array(0).CLK <= SPI_CLK;
spi_in_array(0).CS <= SPI_CS;
sync_p: process (clk_100)
if rising_edge(clk_100) then
-- for I in 1 to SYNC_LATCHES loop
-- spi_in_array(I) <= spi_in_array(I - 1);
-- end loop;
spi_in_array(1) <= spi_in_array(0);
spi_in_array(2) <= spi_in_array(1);
end if;
end process;
The 2 lines below the commented code works exactly as expected (allowing me to synchronize external signals to clk_100), but I'd rather implement them as a for loop (such the commented one).
However, these commented lines does not produce the same result in my ISIM test bench (spi_in_array stays in unknown state when using the for loop). Why?
Please kindly help me with this.