With the help of the Microsoft Graph SDK for .NET, I want to enumerate all document libraries in my root site (eg http://mydomain.sharepoint.com) and for each one of them, enumerate their column definitions.
As I need the columns, I cannot use the query "/sites/{site-id}/drives" as it will return Drive object which do not have any columns. So the only way I found to perform this is to query all lists with a filter for the template property set to 'documentLibrary' according to the API reference : https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/resources/list
In the graph explorer, the appropriate query seems to be : "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root/lists?$filter=list/template eq 'documentLibrary'" but it sends back an error (same without the ' around documentLibrary). But I did not find any way to do this, neither with the .NET SDK nor the graph explorer.
Any help is welcome, thank you in advance