
In graph explorer, I am trying to execute OData queries with the filter startswith on list items. All of the OData filter startswith functions I tried to return itemNotFound error. See an example below https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root/lists('Documents')/Items?$filter=startswith(webURL, 'https') eq true

Graph explorer has Sites.ReadWrite.All scope.

Can someone point me to any documentation on the extent of OData features supported in Microsoft Graph?


1 Answers


SharePoint List API (and Graph API on drives/OneDrive API) do not support filtering or ordering results. As you may know, both SharePoint Document and OneDrive can be accessed by the Drive api. When Microsoft Graph sees a query parameter it doesn't expect, it simply ignoring the unknown filter parameter and returning us an unfiltered result. The drives api supports the $expand, $select, $skipToken, $top, and $orderby(orderby does not work on my side) OData query parameters to customize the response.

The currently available documentation just states:

Support for $filter operators varies across Microsoft Graph APIs.

The word varies might be the inference that these options are not totally supported across all products in Graph.