
To the best of my knowledge, x86-64 requires the stack to be 16-byte aligned before a call, while gcc with -m32 doesn't require this for main.

I have the following testing code:

intfmt:         .string "int: %d\n"
testint:        .int    20

.globl main

    mov     %esp, %ebp
    push    testint
    push    $intfmt
    call    printf
    mov     %ebp, %esp

Build with as --32 test.S -o test.o && gcc -m32 test.o -o test. I am aware that syscall write exists, but to my knowledge it cannot print ints and floats the way printf can.

After entering main, a 4 byte return address is on the stack. Then interpreting this code naively, the two push calls each put 4 bytes on the stack, so call needs another 4 byte value pushed to be aligned.

Here is the objdump of the binary generated by gas and gcc:

0000053d <main>:
 53d:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
 53f:   ff 35 1d 20 00 00       pushl  0x201d
 545:   68 14 20 00 00          push   $0x2014
 54a:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   54b <main+0xe>
 54f:   89 ec                   mov    %ebp,%esp
 551:   c3                      ret    
 552:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 554:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 556:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 558:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 55a:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 55c:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
 55e:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax

I am very confused about the push instructions generated.

  1. If two 4 byte values are pushed, how is alignment achieved?
  2. Why is 0x2014 pushed instead of 0x14? What is 0x201d?
  3. What does call 54b even achieve? Output of hd matches objdump. Why is this different in gdb? Is this the dynamic linker?

B+>│0x5655553d <main>                       mov    %esp,%ebp                      │
   │0x5655553f <main+2>                     pushl  0x5655701d                     │
   │0x56555545 <main+8>                     push   $0x56557014                    │
   │0x5655554a <main+13>                    call   0xf7e222d0 <printf>            │
   │0x5655554f <main+18>                    mov    %ebp,%esp                      │
   │0x56555551 <main+20>                    ret  

Resources on what goes on when a binary is actually executed are appreciated, since I don't know what's actually going on and the tutorials I've read don't cover it. I'm in the process of reading through How programs get run: ELF binaries.

mov %esp, %ebp without saving / restoring the caller's %ebp is bad and could easily lead to a segfault after main returns.Peter Cordes
Compile your C code with gcc -O1 -fverbose-asm -S to get assembler code. Read the relevant x86 ABI specificationBasile Starynkevitch
@BasileStarynkevitch I am hand writing assembly for learning purposes. I want to preserve as much of my original assembly as possible which I'm afraid -O1 will get rid of.qwr
Then remove -O1. Notice that the assembler is generated by gcc from some foo.c source code into foo.s after gcc -fverbose-asm -S foo.c (and you could add -O1). I did mention C code (not assembler) to understand what kind of assembler code gcc is generatingBasile Starynkevitch
@BasileStarynkevitch I'm still not sure I understand. I am using as to create object file and gcc to create executable, no C source at all?qwr

1 Answers


The i386 System V ABI does guarantee / require 16 byte stack alignment before a call, like I said at the top of my answer that you linked. (Unless you're calling a private helper function, in which case you can make up your own rules for alignment, arg-passing, and which registers are clobbered for that function.)

Functions are allowed to crash or misbehave if you violate this ABI requirement, but are not required to. e.g. scanf in x86-64 Ubuntu glibc (as compiled by recent gcc) only recently started doing that: scanf Segmentation faults when called from a function that doesn't change RSP

Functions can depend on stack alignment for performance (to align a double or array of doubles to avoid cache-line splits when accessing them).

Usually the only case where a function depends on stack alignment for correctness is when compiled to use SSE/SSE2, so it can use 16-byte alignment-required loads/stores to copy a struct or array (movaps or movdqa), or to actually auto-vectorize a loop over a local array.

I think Ubuntu doesn't compile their 32-bit libraries with SSE (except functions like memcpy that use runtime dispatching), so they can still work on ancient CPUs like Pentium II. Multiarch libraries on an x86-64 system should assume SSE2, but with 4-byte pointers it's less likely that 32-bit functions would have 16 byte structs to copy.

Anyway, whatever the reason, obviously printf in your 32-bit build of glibc doesn't actually depend on 16-byte stack alignment for correctness, so it doesn't fault even when you misalign the stack.

Why is 0x2014 pushed instead of 0x14? What is 0x201d?

0x14 (decimal 20) is the value in memory at that location. It will be loaded at runtime, because you used push r/m32, not push $20 (or an assemble time constant like .equ testint, 20 or testint = 20).

You used gcc -m32 to make a PIE (Position Independent Executable), which is relocated at runtime, because that's the default on Ubuntu's gcc.

0x2014 is the offset relative to the start of the file. If you disassemble at runtime after running the program, you'll see a real address.

Same for call 54b. It's presuambly a call to the PLT (which is near the start of the file / text segment, hence the low address).

If you disassembled with objdump -drwC, you'd see symbol relocation info. (I like -Mintel as well, but beware it's MASM-like, not NASM).

You can link with gcc -m32 -no-pie to make classic position-dependent executables. I'd definitely recommend that especially for 32-bit code, and especially if you're compiling C, use gcc -m32 -no-pie -fno-pie to get non-PIE code-gen as well as linking into a non-PIE executable. (see 32-bit absolute addresses no longer allowed in x86-64 Linux? for more about PIEs.)