I want to do menu animation. In the animator, its contain 2 animations. One is opening animation, the other is closing animation. I set the opening animation as default state and added condition between of them. The condition is a bool type parameter. I drag the script which controls they behaviours and animator component on gameobject, but when the opening animation plays and player clicks the play button the parameter turns into true but it doesn't play.
Animator canvasAnim;
public Button lvlSelector;
Button lvlSelector_A;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
canvasAnim = GetComponent<Animator>();
lvlSelector_A = lvlSelector.GetComponent<Button>();
IEnumerator SlideLevelSelectMenu()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
void LevelSelector()
canvasAnim.SetBool("clickedclose", true);
instead of a bool – derHugo