When I create document library in SharePoint via Client REST APIs I get different fields to identify library (like Title, EntityTypeName, Id). Sample response when I create library named "Школьные материалы 2.":
"d": {
"__metadata": {
"id": "https://somesite.sharepoint.com/sites/Team_49de5296/_api/Web/Lists(guid'd94587ec-ff65-4b61-b0e8-2a00513494ee')"
"DocumentTemplateUrl": "/sites/Team_49de5296/2/Forms/template.dotx",
"EntityTypeName": "2",
"Id": "d94587ec-ff65-4b61-b0e8-2a00513494ee",
"ParentWebUrl": "/sites/Team_49de5296",
"Title": "Школьные материалы 2."
Though when I go to the SharePoint portal the URL for the library is https://somesite.sharepoint.com/sites/Team_49de5296/2/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Platform that I use supports only listUrls and for my library it is "/sites/Team_49de5296/2". How can I get it from the Create Document Library Response? Should I do separate query to get it? What property would it be?