I'm newbie to Sharepoint and currently using Sharepoint Online. I'm in need of retrieving files under a sharepoint document library in C#.
We have couple of document library urls as follows:
- https://customer1.sharepoint.com/DocumentFolder/Forms/AllItems.aspx
- https://customer2.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename/DocumentFolder/SubFolder/Forms/AllItems.aspx
I need to extract DocumentFolder name in case of URL 1 above, and DocumentFolder/SubFolder name in case of URL 2
Using Sharepoint REST service, I then would like to list files under DocumentFolder :
http://site url/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/DocumentFolder')
The challenge I have is to extract the DocumentFolder for the above URLs, as I could not find any API/method call to extract the DocumentFolder. I could try regex on the url, but it'll be helpful, if there is a right way to extract the DocumentFolder/SubFolder, that will be helpful.