
While creating a ImageResizer function app on azure portal for accomplishing image resizing functionalities I see only two Azure Blob Storage outputs:

Path 1: sample-images-sm/{name}

Path 2: sample-images-md/{name}

enter image description here

Here my requirement is generate images of different sizes with the following combination:

<width,height> : (260,260) , (280,150) , (340,140), (115,140), (76,140)

Can anyone help me to know how to add additional Azure Blob Storage output to the existing list.

Where can I find this screen?Mikhail Shilkov
Once you select the Type: ImageResizer and start filling up the details like setting up the input path and output path including the source and destination container. You will see the section on the left hand side. Any help on this is much appreciated.santosh kumar patro

1 Answers


Go ahead and create a Function based on those settings.

Then navigate to Integrate tab on the left and click New Output on the right:

enter image description here

Select Azure Blob Storage and then fill the fields similar to this:

enter image description here

Finally, change the code to add an extra parameter:

public static void Run(
    Stream image,                           // input blob, large size
    Stream imageSmall,
    Stream imageMedium,
    Stream imageMy)  // output blobs
    // ...
    // use imageMy to write another size of image