I am having challenged time here understanding the output binding of azure functions. I have a function that triggers fine on a servicebus. What I need to do is get some data, and write it back to an csv file in blob storage. I can see you have an output blob binding. But it provides a stream, or textwriter as input. How does this work? I want to be able to control the name of the csv file create. Can anyone provide some input how I actually create a csv file, write to it, and generate a file name with the output binding? Or have I misunderstood the use of bindings? Or should I use the CloudBlobClient when creating new files?
public static void Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("spo-governance-report-permissions", AccessRights.Manage, Connection = "UniquePermisionsQueueConnStr")]string myQueueItem,
[Blob("unique-permission-reports/{name}", FileAccess.Write,Connection = "BlobStorageConnStr")]Stream CsvContainer,
TraceWriter log)