I access queues(activemq) using the link I wanted to read the message from the queue name:Notificationqueue. I wanted to use python and STOMP. The username and password to the queue is admin/admin. Please help me step by step to get the message from queue name:Notificationqueue. Below is my code, please help to complete the code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import sys
import stomp
class MyListener(object):
def on_error(self, headers, message):
print 'received an error %s' % message
def on_message(self, headers, message):
print 'received a message %s' % message
conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[('', 61616)])
conn.set_listener('', MyListener())
conn.subscribe(destination='queue://Notificationqueue', id = '1', ack='auto')
When I run this, I get the error,
No handlers could be found for logger "stomp.py"
conn.connect("admin","admin", wait=True)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\stomp\connect.py", line 164, in connect
Protocol11.connect(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\stomp\protocol.py", line 340, in connect
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\stomp\transport.py", line 327, in wait_for_connection
raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
. Please help in completing this code at the earliest. Do ask me if you need more information