I have a df in below format:
Priority Mined_Category server date_reported Count Zscore_Volume
1 - Critical Memory issue xxxxxx111 2018-07-11 1 nan
1 - Critical Memory issue xxxxxx111 2018-08-11 1 nan
1 - Critical Memory issue yyyyyy195 2018-07-06 1 1.71
1 - Critical Memory issue yyyyyy195 2018-07-08 1 1.71
2 - High Memory issue abcabcabcba1410 2018-08-21 1 nan
my aim is to replace nan with 100 whenever Priority
and Server
groupby count is 1 and replace nan with 1000 whenever Priority
and Server
groupby count is >1
I tried below code:
> df_aggegrate_Volume.loc[(df_aggegrate_Volume.groupby(["Priority","Mined_Category","server"]).count()>1)&(df_aggegrate_Volume['Zscore_Volume'].isnull()) ,"Zscore_Volume"]= -100
but I get below error:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (7410,) (3,)