I am trying to forecast my target variable using Quantile Regression in Python.
The data I am considering for training and validation is from period 2015 Oct -2017 Dec 31st.
Now the model has developed,Im trying to forecast values for 2018 Jan, which throws the following error:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (34,) (33,)
mod = smf.quantreg('ASBCU_SUM~Month+Year+WeekofMonth+DayNum+isHoliday+PCOP_CS+PCOP_LS+PCOP_IFS+PCOP_LSS+PCOP_FSS+PCOP_FS+DayOfWeek_6+DayOfWeek_5+DayOfWeek_2+DayOfWeek_7+DayOfWeek_3+DayOfWeek_4',dfTrainingData)
res = mod.fit(q=0.8)
If I check,the error comes from quantile regression.py file inside statmodels.
diff = np.max(np.abs(beta - beta0))
I have gone through similar posts on stack overflow,which recommends to check the data type of target variable being numerical or not. This is the dtype of the variables:
ASBCU_SUM: int64
Month: category
Year: category
WeekofMonth: category
isHoliday: int64
DayNum: int32
PCOP_SUM: int64
PCOP_CS: int64
PCOP_LS: int64
PCOP_IFS: int64
PCOP_LSS: int64
PCOP_FS: int64
PCOP_FSS: int64
DayOfWeek_3: float64
DayOfWeek_2: float64
DayOfWeek_5: float64
DayOfWeek_7: float64
DayOfWeek_4: float64
DayOfWeek_6: float64
The datatypes are same while developing the model using 2015-2017 data as well.
I really appreciate any help..
lines so we can run data and code to help. – Parfait