I coded something like the following:
always @(state or i1 or i2 or i3 or i4) begin
next = 5'bx;
err = 0; n_o1 = 1;
o2 = 0; o3 = 0; o4 = 0;
case (state) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
IDLE: begin
if (!i1) next = IDLE;
else if ( i2) next = S1;
else if ( i3) next = S2;
else next = ERROR;
S1: begin
if (!i2) next = S1;
else if ( i3) next = S2;
else if ( i4) next = S3;
else next = ERROR;**strong text**
My manager, of course I don't want to argue with him before I have some strong argument, but he reviewed my code and said writing
next = 5'bx;
err = 0; n_o1 = 1;
o2 = 0; o3 = 0; o4 = 0;
in a combinational logic without putting the right side in the sensitivity list will cause problems in synthesis.By not having these 3 lines, I need to explicitly write the else part inside each individual case, and he said yes.
I am wondering is there anything wrong with this coding style? And will it cause a synthesis problem or any sort of problem(maybe some version or old synthesis tool won't synthesize?) by initializing these values in the combinational logic? What he said does make sense to me and I actually never thought about it because he said this is software logic, and every wire gets its initial value from the logic before it with the initial condition. I told him school taught us this, he was like school cares less any synthesis but industry does.
Thank you for your help! Guess I am not trying to convince him anything even I have a answer, since the team need to stick with one style anyways, but i am confused by him since I have seen others doing this all the time and he is also a guy with tons of experience, so...confused