I can sent a basic packet using scapy and inspect it on the receiving PC using wireshark. When I add a VLAN tag I cannot receive the packet or capture it in wireshark on the origination side
sendp( Ether()/IP(dst="")/Raw(load="some data"))
sendp( Ether()/Dot1Q(vlan=42)/IP(dst="")/Raw(load="some data"))
dst= 00:15:17:e4:55:52 src= b0:83:fe:e2:df:b7 type= n_802_1Q
prio= 0 id= 0 vlan= 42 type= IPv4
version= 4 ihl= 5 tos= 0x0 len= 29 id= 1 flags= frag= 0 ttl= 64 proto= ip chksum= 0x7c32 src= dst= \options\
load= 'some data'
The data looks as i would expect in scapy, any thoughts?