To start off, I have read through other raw answers pertaining to scapy on here, however none have been useful, maybe I am just doing something wrong and thats what has brought me here today.
So, for starters, I have a pcap file, which started corrupted with some retransmissions, to my belief I have gotten it back to gether correctly.
It contains Radiotap header, IEEE 802.11 (dot11), logical-link control, IPv4, UDP, and DNS.
To my understanding, the udp packets being transmitted hold this raw data, however, do to a some recent quirks, maybe the raw is in Radiotap/raw.
Using scapy, I'm iterating through the packets, and when a packet with the Raw layer is found, I am using the .show()
function of scapy to view it.
As such, I can see that there is a raw load available
###[ Raw ]###
\load \
|###[ Raw ]###
| load = '@\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x10h?'
So, I suppose my question is, how can I capture this payload to receive whatever this may be, To my knowledge the load is supposed to be an image file, however I have trouble believing such, so I assume I have misstepped somewhere.
Here is the code I'm using to achieve the above result
from scapy.all import *
from scapy.utils import *
pack = rdpcap('/home/username/Downloads/new.pcap')
for packet in pack:
if packet.getlayer(Raw):
print '[+] Found Raw' + '\n'
l = packet.getlayer(Raw)
rawr = Raw(l)
Any help, or insight for further reading would be appreciated, I am new to scapy and no expert in packet dissection.
*Side note, previously I had tried (using separate code and server) to replay the packets and send them to myself, to no avail. However I feel thats due to my lack of knowledge in receipt of UDP packets.
UPDATES - I have now tested my pcap file with a scapy reassembler, and I've confirmed I have no fragmented packets, or anything of the sort, so I assume all should go smoothly... Upon opening my pcap in wireshark, I can see that there are retransmissions, but I'm not sure how much that will affect my goals since no fragmentation occurred?
Also, I have tried the getlayer(Raw).load
, if I use print on it I get some gibberish to the screen, I'm assuming its the data to my would-be-image, however I need to now get it into a usable format.