
So I have been utterly frustrated these past few days because I have not been able to find a single resource online which properly documents how to find emojis when writing a discord bot in javascript. I have been referring to this guide whose documentation about emojis seems to be either wrong, or outdated:


What I need is simple; to just be able to reference an emoji using the .find() function and store it in a variable. Here is my current code:

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const config = require("./config.json");
const fs = require("fs");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const guild = new Discord.Guild();
const bean = client.emojis.find("name", "bean");

client.on("message", (message) => {
    if (bean) {
      if (!message.content.startsWith("@")){
        if (message.channel.name == "bean" || message.channel.id == "478206289961418756") {
            if (message.content.startsWith("<:bean:" + bean.id + ">")) {
    else {
      console.error("Error: Unable to find bean emoji");

p.s. the whole bean thing is just a test

But every time I run this code it just returns this error and dies:

(node:3084) DeprecationWarning: Collection#find: pass a function instead

Is there anything I missed? I am so stumped...

from the warning I'd say you need to do something like client.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === "bean"). I never used discord.js so I may be completely wrongjonatjano
@jonatjano So I tried what you wrote there and the error seems to be gone but it's still dying : /Zyad-O
you may need to have it set in your event, I don't think these collection are dynamics, meaning the bean var doesn't get the new values as they come but keep the initials values onlyjonatjano

4 Answers


I never used discord.js so I may be completely wrong

from the warning I'd say you need to do something like

client.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name === "bean") 

Plus after looking at the Discord.js Doc it seems to be the way to go. BUT the docs never say anything about client.emojis.find("name", "bean") being wrong


I've made changes to your code.

I hope it'll help you!

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();

client.on('ready', () => {

client.on('message', message => {
	var bean = message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name == 'bean');
	// By guild id 
	if(message.guild.id == 'your guild id') {
	if(bean) {
    		if(message.content.startsWith("<:bean:" + bean.id + ">")) {

Please check out the switching to v12 discord.js guide

v12 introduces the concept of managers, you will no longer be able to directly use collection methods such as Collection#get on data structures like Client#users. You will now have to directly ask for cache on a manager before trying to use collection methods. Any method that is called directly on a manager will call the API, such as GuildMemberManager#fetch and MessageManager#delete.

In this specific situation, you need to add the cache object to your expression:

var bean = message.guild.emojis.cache?.find(emoji => emoji.name == 'bean');

In case anyone like me finds this while looking for an answer, in v12 you will have to add cache in, making it look like this:

var bean = message.guild.emojis.cache.find(emoji => emoji.name == 'bean');

rather than:

var bean = message.guild.emojis.find(emoji => emoji.name == 'bean');