My Shiny App displays a plotly plot for whatever input the user selects. I want a download button that saves ALL the plots inside a PDF file on the user's system. I'm using R markdown for knitting a PDF report and then donwloading it using downloadHandler in Shiny. As of now, I can create each plot individually in my Shiny code and then pass them as a list of parameters to my r markdown file. Since I have a large number of plots (>25) in my actual project, I want to do it in a loop. Here's a reprodcuible example of what I have so far:
dummy.df <- structure(list(
Tid = structure(
1:24, .Label = c("20180321-032-000001",
"20180321-032-000003", "20180321-032-000004", "20180321-032-000005",
"20180321-032-000006", "20180321-032-000007", "20180321-032-000008",
"20180321-032-000009", "20180321-032-000010", "20180321-032-000011",
"20180321-032-000012", "20180321-032-000013", "20180321-032-000014",
"20180321-032-000015", "20180321-032-000016", "20180321-032-000017",
"20180321-032-000018", "20180321-032-000020", "20180321-032-000021",
"20180321-032-000022", "20180321-032-000024", "20180321-032-000025",
"20180321-032-000026", "20180321-032-000027"), class = "factor"),
Measurand1 = c(4.1938661428, 4.2866076398, 4.2527368322,
4.1653403962, 4.27242291066667, 4.16539040846667, 4.34047710253333,
4.22442363773333, 4.19234076866667, 4.2468291332, 3.9844897884,
4.22141039866667, 4.20227445513333, 4.33310654473333, 4.1927596214,
4.15925140273333, 4.11148968806667, 4.08674611913333, 4.18821475666667,
4.2206477116, 3.48470470453333, 4.2483107466, 4.209376197,
Measurand2 = c(240.457556634854, 248.218468503733,
251.064523520989, 255.454918894609, 250.780599536337, 258.342398843477,
252.343710644105, 249.881670507113, 254.937548700795, 257.252509533017,
258.10699153634, 252.191362744656, 246.944795528771, 247.527116069484,
261.060987461132, 257.770850218767, 259.844790397474, 243.046373553637,
247.026385356368, 254.288899315579, 233.51454714355, 250.556819253509,
255.8242909112, 254.938735944406),
Measurand3 = c(70.0613216684803,
70.5004961457819, 70.8382322052776, 69.9282599322167, 68.3045749634227,
71.5636835352475, 69.1173532716941, 71.3604764318073, 69.5045949393461,
71.2211656142532, 72.5716638087178, 69.2085312787522, 70.7872214372161,
70.7247180047809, 69.9466984209057, 71.8433220247599, 72.2055956743742,
71.0348320947071, 69.3848050049961, 69.9884660785462, 73.160638501285,
69.7524898841488, 71.1958302879424, 72.6060886025082)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 24L)
# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Download Demo"),
selectInput(inputId = "variable",
label = "Plot Measurand",
choices = colnames(dummy.df)[2:11]
downloadButton("downloadplot1", label = "Download plots")
# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
# Output graph
output$myplot1 <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~get(input$variable), type = 'scatter',
mode = 'markers') %>%
layout(title = 'Values',
xaxis = list(title = "Points", showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE),
yaxis = list(title = input$variable, showgrid = TRUE, zeroline = FALSE))
# Creating plots individually and passing them as a list of parameters to RMD
# Example for the first two measurands
test.plot1 <- reactive({
plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand1, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')
test.plot2 <- reactive({
plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~Measurand2, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')
output$downloadplot1 <- downloadHandler(
filename = "plots.pdf",
content = function(file){
tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "report1.Rmd")
file.copy("download_content.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)
# Set up parameters to pass to Rmd document
params <- list(n = test.plot1(), k = test.plot2())
rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
params = params,
envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
And my RMD file:
title: "Report"
output: pdf_document
always_allow_html: yes
n: NA
k: NA
tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(params$n, file = tmpFile)
export(params$k, file = tmpFile)
What I want to do is pass ALL the plots as a parameterized list to rmd, where each of the plot will be plotted in the knitted PDF document and then downloaded.
Something along the lines of:
# IN server
# Generate plots in a loop
list.of.measurands <- c("Measurand1", "Measurand2") #....all my measurands
plots.gen <- lapply(list.of.measurands, function(msrnd){
plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = ~msrnd, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')
Pass this list as the parameters to Rmd:
# Inside downloadHandler
params <- list(n = plots.gen)
And plot all plots in a loop in the rmd file:
title: "Report"
output: pdf_document
always_allow_html: yes
n: NA
k: NA
tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
for (item in params$n){
export(item, file = tmpFile)
This creates a blank report. What am I missing?
Following Gregor de Cillia's comment, I changed my plot_ly function to have y = dummy.df[[msrnd]]
. I have also tried as_widget() but no success in getting plots in my report.
plots.gen <- lapply(list.of.measurands, function(msrnd){
as_widget(plot_ly(dummy.df, x = c(1:nrow(dummy.df)), y = dummy.df[[msrnd]],
type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers'))
can't handle strings soy = ~msrnd
does not work inlapply
. – Gregor de Cilliay = dummy.df[[msrnd]]
. Also triedas_widget()
around my plot_ly() function inside lapply. Still getting a blank report. – Vishesh Shrivastaveval(parse(text = ...))
? – runr