I have a large Shiny application that has a number of prompts, then generates tables and plot based on those inputs. I don't use rmarkdown or knitr or anything to format the output. I just use the standard Shiny elements (sidebarPanel, mainPanel, etc.). For the plots and tables I use the standard reactive renderPlot and renderTable objects. I'm looking for an easy way to have a button called "Export to PDF" that exports the elements on the page to a PDF document.
I've looked into using knitr and rmarkdown to generate a document with some fancy formatting (see here and here for examples). The problem is that it appears that I'll need to regenerate the tables and plots either within the Rmd file or the server.R within a downloadHandler object, and I'd like to avoid that.
Is there any way to output the page as a pdf more easily. More specifically, is there any way to directly reference the output tables and plots (i.e. the output$ objects) from within the Rmd file so that plots and tables don't need to be generated twice.
Edit: Here is some simplified code. Note getDataset() is a reactive function that queries a database based on the inputs. My goal is to simply add an "Export" button that exports the already-generated plots and table. (Also as a side note, is there any way I can get a reactive dataset that is shared among all reactive elements? i.e. not need to have ds <- getDataset() in every object?)
output$hist <- renderPlot({
ds <- getDataset()
# do data transformations
ggplot(ds, aes(val)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = binSize, aes(fill = ..count..)) +
labs(title = "val dist", x = "val", y = "Count") +
scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red", guide = FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(ds$val), quantile(ds$val, 0.99))) +
geom_hline(yintercept=maxY, linetype=3)
output$time <- renderPlot({
ds <- getDataset()
# do data transformations
ggplot(ds, aes(as.POSIXlt(unixTime, origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC"), val), colour = val) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(ds$val), quantile(ds$val, 0.99))) +
labs(title = "Val Over Time", x = "Time (UTC)", y = "val (ms)") +
geom_point(alpha = 0.3, size = 0.7) +
output$stats <- renderTable({
statsDf = getDataset()
# do data transformations
ui <- fluidPage(
dateInput("startDateTime", "Start Date:", value = "2016-10-21"),
textInput("startTime", "Start Time", "00:00:00"),
dateInput("endDateTime", "End Date:", value = "2016-10-21"),
textInput("endTime", "End Time", value = "02:00:00"),
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
tabPanel("Statistics", tableOutput("stats"))