We are about to rebuild a our public web site. We don't change platforms often. We pick one and stick with it for about five years. When the platform is showing its age we begin to research currently available options.
At this time, we have decided to abandon DotNetNuke. Orchard CMS is high on our list of options. There is no need to discuss our reasons or other options. This is not an opinion survey. But I do have a question.
.NET Core would be our preferred platform. I see that the Orchard CMS team is working on a .NET Core version. It seems premature for us to use it right now because it is not yet stable. On the other hand, activity in Orchard CMS on ASP.NET seems to be waning. We are concerned that if we go that route, we would investing in a platform near the end of its life cycle.
Does anyone know if there will be a viable migration path from Orchard ASP.NET MVC to .NET Core MVC?