I currently have a Content Type called "News" which is very simple (No custom properties etc.). I am trying to style this Content type when it occurs on a page of a specific layout, in this case a "News" page.
So - I have the layout that a News page will inherit from (Layout-url-News.cshtml
), however I cannot seem to get the Content to display or inherit from a template (I have tried creating alternates such as Zone-url-News.cshtml
and Zone-Content-url-News.cshtml
, however both result in having no content at all.)
I had create both of the mentioned alternates by hand, as Designer Tools was unable to generate an alternate (The relative virtual path 'Orchard.Core.Shapes.CoreShapes::Zone' is not allowed here)
Basically - I cannot figure out how to style the content found on a specific page, (Title, Tags, Date, Body) as the Content always seems to inheirit from the base shape.