Trying to understand how describe_instances() work Here is a code which gives me instances ids of all the instances I have currently 3 so 3 instance id I get
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
instancelist = []
for reservation in (response["Reservations"]):
for instance in reservation["Instances"]:
instancelist.append(instance["InstanceId"]) print (instancelist)
gives me output
['i-03e7f6391a0f523ee', 'i-0e12c8dad5fb6d8c5', 'i-002adcd0913e4d673']
But if I write following
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
for x in response:
print (x)
print ("in for loop")
I just get following output
in for loop
in for loop
What I was expecting was instance id’s of instance. Now I wrote following
import boto3
from pprint import pprint
print (response["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"])
print (response["Reservations"][1]["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"])
print (response["Reservations"][1]["Instances"][1]["InstanceId"])
I get output
i-03e7f6391a0f523ee i-0e12c8dad5fb6d8c5 i-002adcd0913e4d673
the above print statement does not work if written as below
print (response["Reservations"][2]["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"])
It gives error
print (response["Reservations"][2]["Instances"][1]["InstanceId"])
IndexError: list index out of range
What I am not able to understand is how are the values being returned by describe_instances method in the statement
Why the above for loop where I used x does not give output. I read the documentation here and as far as I understand ec2.describe_instances() is returning a dictionary() Contains the output of DescribeInstances. • Reservations (list) -- Zero or more reservations. So with that understanding I thought I should be able to iterate over list members via
But this is giving me error
IndexError: list index out of range
I am unable to understand the response which is coming via ec2.describe_instances()
Output of print (response) as asked in below answer
{'Reservations': [
{'Groups': [], 'Instances': [{'AmiLaunchIndex': 0, 'ImageId': 'ami-d783a9b8',
'InstanceId': 'i-03e7f6391a0f523ee', 'InstanceType': 't2.micro', 'KeyName': 'datastructutre key',
'LaunchTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 25, 10, 3, 53, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'Monitoring': {'State':
'disabled'}, 'Placement': {'AvailabilityZone': 'ap-south-1a', 'GroupName': '', 'Tenancy':
'default'}, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-20-16.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress':
'', 'ProductCodes': [], 'PublicDnsName': '', 'State': {'Code': 80, 'Name':
'stopped'}, 'StateTransitionReason': 'User initiated (2018-08-25 10:07:17 GMT)', 'SubnetId':
'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60', 'Architecture': 'x86_64', 'BlockDeviceMappings':
[{'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'Ebs': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 1, 4, 28, 52,
tzinfo=tzutc()), 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'Status': 'attached', 'VolumeId': 'vol-
09716d3308f44c63f'}}], 'ClientToken': '', 'EbsOptimized': False, 'EnaSupport': True,
'Hypervisor': 'xen', 'NetworkInterfaces': [{'Attachment': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018,
8, 1, 4, 28, 52, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'AttachmentId': 'eni-attach-08d060230b617ca70',
'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'Status': 'attached'}, 'Description': '',
'Groups': [{'GroupName': 'launch-wizard-1', 'GroupId': 'sg-0e81c2a33e1039f58'}, {'GroupName':
'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}], 'Ipv6Addresses': [], 'MacAddress': '02:5a:17:52:69:a6',
'NetworkInterfaceId': 'eni-0146aab6d9503bf47', 'OwnerId': '11000101010', 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-
172-31-20-16.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': '',
'PrivateIpAddresses': [{'Primary': True, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-20-16.ap-south-
1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': ''}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'Status':
'in-use', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60'}], 'RootDeviceName':
'/dev/xvda', 'RootDeviceType': 'ebs', 'SecurityGroups': [{'GroupName': 'launch-wizard-1',
'GroupId': 'sg-0e81c2a33e1039f58'}, {'GroupName': 'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}],
'SourceDestCheck': True, 'StateReason': {'Code': 'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown', 'Message':
'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: User initiated shutdown'}, 'VirtualizationType': 'hvm',
'CpuOptions': {'CoreCount': 1, 'ThreadsPerCore': 1}}], 'OwnerId': '11000101010', 'ReservationId':
{'Groups': [], 'Instances': [
{'AmiLaunchIndex': 0, 'ImageId': 'ami-00b6a8a2bd28daf19', 'InstanceId': 'i-0e12c8dad5fb6d8c5', 'InstanceType': 't2.micro', 'KeyName': 'datastructutre key', 'LaunchTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 25, 10, 3, 53, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'Monitoring': {'State': 'disabled'}, 'Placement': {'AvailabilityZone': 'ap-south-1a', 'GroupName': '', 'Tenancy': 'default'}, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-28-39.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': '', 'ProductCodes': [], 'PublicDnsName': '', 'State': {'Code': 80, 'Name': 'stopped'}, 'StateTransitionReason': 'User initiated (2018-08-25 10:07:17 GMT)', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60', 'Architecture': 'x86_64', 'BlockDeviceMappings': [{'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'Ebs': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 22, 21, 33, 44, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'Status': 'attached', 'VolumeId': 'vol-01d5ce67c9f1b081e'}}], 'ClientToken': '', 'EbsOptimized': False, 'EnaSupport': True, 'Hypervisor': 'xen', 'NetworkInterfaces': [{'Attachment': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 22, 21, 33, 44, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'AttachmentId': 'eni-attach-0cbdea888315049ae', 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'Status': 'attached'}, 'Description': '', 'Groups': [{'GroupName': 'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}], 'Ipv6Addresses': [], 'MacAddress': '02:f4:b8:bd:84:26', 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'eni-0d99a7669a1e4b9db', 'OwnerId': '11000101010', 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-28-39.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': '', 'PrivateIpAddresses': [{'Primary': True, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-28-39.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': ''}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'Status': 'in-use', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60'}], 'RootDeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'RootDeviceType': 'ebs', 'SecurityGroups': [{'GroupName': 'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'StateReason': {'Code': 'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown', 'Message': 'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: User initiated shutdown'}, 'VirtualizationType': 'hvm', 'CpuOptions': {'CoreCount': 1, 'ThreadsPerCore': 1}},
{'AmiLaunchIndex': 1, 'ImageId': 'ami-00b6a8a2bd28daf19', 'InstanceId': 'i-002adcd0913e4d673', 'InstanceType': 't2.micro', 'KeyName': 'datastructutre key', 'LaunchTime': datetime.datetime (2018, 8, 25, 10, 3, 53, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'Monitoring': {'State': 'disabled'}, 'Placement': {'AvailabilityZone': 'ap-south-1a', 'GroupName': '', 'Tenancy': 'default'}, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-30-108.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': '', 'ProductCodes': [], 'PublicDnsName': '', 'State': {'Code': 80, 'Name': 'stopped'}, 'StateTransitionReason': 'User initiated (2018-08-25 10:07:17 GMT)', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60', 'Architecture': 'x86_64', 'BlockDeviceMappings': [{'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'Ebs': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 22, 21, 33, 44, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'Status': 'attached', 'VolumeId': 'vol-0f0c49cc912a083f3'}}], 'ClientToken': '', 'EbsOptimized': False, 'EnaSupport': True, 'Hypervisor': 'xen', 'NetworkInterfaces': [{'Attachment': {'AttachTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 22, 21, 33, 44, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'AttachmentId': 'eni-attach-0f35d1842b76cff9a', 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'Status': 'attached'}, 'Description': '', 'Groups': [{'GroupName': 'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}], 'Ipv6Addresses': [], 'MacAddress': '02:21:d4:20:22:c6', 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'eni-0e3797492dc4e3299', 'OwnerId': '11000101010', 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-30-108.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': '', 'PrivateIpAddresses': [{'Primary': True, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-30-108.ap-south-1.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': ''}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'Status': 'in-use', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-d3fdbabb', 'VpcId': 'vpc-08356c60'}], 'RootDeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'RootDeviceType': 'ebs', 'SecurityGroups': [{'GroupName': 'default', 'GroupId': 'sg-40e5492a'}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'StateReason': {'Code': 'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown', 'Message': 'Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: User initiated shutdown'}, 'VirtualizationType': 'hvm', 'CpuOptions': {'CoreCount': 1, 'ThreadsPerCore': 1}}], 'OwnerId': 'ReservationId': 'r-05cff59b2524ed79c'}],
'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'fc80ae94-dd46-4c71-93f5-a38d6ede800c', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'content-type':'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'date': 'Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:13:51 GMT', 'server': 'AmazonEC2'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}
You can note {'Groups': [], 'Instances': [{'AmiLaunchIndex': 0,
line 2 times in above output and line 'AmiLaunchIndex': 1, 'ImageId': 'ami-00b6a8a2bd28daf19'
two times while for the first instance it is 'AmiLaunchIndex': 0, 'ImageId': 'ami-d783a9b8',
I had created these instances via run_instance method()
as you can see in the print (response) output has come only but this is not giving a clear picture or I am unable to understand where are three instances in this this is what is not clear to me.