I am working with Hybris backoffice and I am trying to hide specific navigation nodes based on user groups. So I have tried to define a merge-by attribute in the context tag along with principal group as shown below.
<context component="explorer-tree" merge-by="principal" principal="myRestrictedGroup">
<!-- other nodes... -->
<navigation-node id="Restricted" merge-mode="remove"/>
I have also created a user who is assigned to the restricted group (myRestrictedGroup).
But when logging in as the restricted user or any other user the node is hidden. For any group/user the node is not visible including "admin". I was expecting the node to be visible to all users that do not belong to the "myRestrictedGroup" but this does not seem to be the case.
I am running Hybris 6.6.
I was following documentation I found online as it seemed to be what I was looking for. However, I did notice the documentation lists few older versions of 6.0. ( I did not see 6.6) https://apps.support.sap.com/sap/support/knowledge/preview/en/2455449 (SAP credentials are needed to view entirely)