
I am currently using JMeter to record a test scenario with the HTTP test recorder proxy. Problem is, when I send a request with IE on my application, the recording controller gets flooded with an unlimited number of duplicate requests corresponding to the one I just sent.

Multiple requests when accessing default page

Any idea about why this could be happening is welcome. Have a good day


2 Answers


JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder should be accurate enough and if you see extra requests most likely they happen.

I would recommend double checking what's going on on network level between IE and application under test Using Windows Internet Explorer Developer Tools Network Capture.

If it reproduces in IE without JMeter proxy - it might be an integral part of your application, i.e. it does periodic polling for updates using AJAX calls which needs to be reflected in your load test as well.

If not - you need to find the reason why does JMeter behave this way starting from enabling debug logging for JMeter proxy. It can be done by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)

<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy" level="debug" />

So after hours of setting comparison and http request analysis, I found out it was just the "type" parameter of the HTTP Test Script Recorder that needed to be set to "Java".

Hope this can help someone. Don't forget to have a good day :-)