
The current state of my JMeter setup and test plan is:

  • JMeter 5
  • Certificate Authority generated and imported into Firefox.
  • Checked that the port # in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder matches that in the proxy server set up in Firefox.
  • Have added a Recording Controller to my Thread Group.
  • Have added Cache and Cookie Managers to my Thread Group.
  • When I start the proxy server, i.e., Start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, I can walk the example application I'm testing - including HTTPS requests. (And if the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is not started I get "The proxy server is refusing connections" message from Firefox.)
  • I have ensured that the selected Target Controller in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is a recording controller I've added to my Thread Group.
  • No Sampler/Requests are being added under the Recording Controller.

Has anyone else encountered a situation in JMeter in which the proxy server seems to be working correctly but no sampler/requests are actually being recorded? And even if this case is novel, do you have any suggestions? Thank-you in advance for your advice.

Thank-you for your excellent suggestions. I started over with a new test plan and was able to record the script required. I was never able to debug the problem with the original script. Just a couple of notes and the excellent suggestions:have now reset log file for debug; I did start the new test plan from the template; my Firefox proxy and crt were generated and installed correctly. I will explore the suggested Chrome extension and Blazemeter. Thank-you all for your informative answers. ALBAlbert L Baker

4 Answers

  1. Take a look at jmeter.log file - if there is an issue with your setup you should get some clues regarding what's wrong from there. It is also a good idea to add the next line to log4j2.xml file:

    <Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy" level="debug" /> 

    it will increase log level verbosity for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

  2. Make sure your Firefox is configured to use the proxy for all protocols and there are no exclusions for localhost, or your IP address/hostname

    enter image description here

  3. Try clearing your browsing history as it might be the case "stale" certificate is still present or something is cached.

As the last resort be aware of an alternative way of recording a JMeter test using JMeter Chrome Extension - in this case you will not have to worry about proxies and SSL certificates.


You shouldn't create your own Test Script Recorder script, simply because you can make mistakes, just use predefined JMeter's template

  • Choose Menu: File -> Templates

  • (Recording is selected) Click Create

Your Recording script is set


you need to add ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA certificate in your firefox by setting Go to tools > option > Certificate > View Certificate > import certificates.

Now restart the firefox.


just a late reply but facing same issue... Have you tried to clean the 'URL Patterns to include' in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder ? It did work for me and could record was the proxy was not recording.