
I've tried searching for examples, but all of them produce problems for me. Here's the easiest one, which looks like it's supposed to work



INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];catalogVersion ;M300047;$productCatalog:Staged

I'm new to Hybris, especially Hybris Impex and am kinda stuck at this point, so I'd appreciate your help for sure.

Please read How do I ask a question that is answerable? before attempting to ask more questions so you will be better prepared and able to ask a question that will be well received and more importantly answerable. This is not a send me teh codez site, that is now how this site works.user177800

1 Answers


Seems the syntax is wrong on the header of the INSERT_UPDATE. You are missing a $ in the catalogVersion attribute. Also, usually, catalogVersion is also used as a unique attribute, so you don't duplicate codes inside the same catalog. It should be like this:

INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique=true];$catalogVersion[unique=true]

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