I am trying to Export Data from multiple tables through Export Impex script but not able to define headers for multiple tables. Hierarchy is something like: OrderTable>>OrderEntry>>UNIT>PRODUCTID
Can anyone suggest how can I achieve this.
"#% impex.setTargetFile( ""Orders.csv"" );"
insert_update Order;code[unique=true];purchaseOrderNumber;sapOrderNumber;site(uid);date;subtotal;currency(isocode);soldto(uid);user(uid);salesdistrict(uid);
"#% impex.exportItems(""select {pk} from {order} where {currency} IN ({{select {pk} from {currency} where {isocode} IN ('NOK','DKK','EUR','SEK')}})"", Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.singletonList( Item.class ), true, true, -1, -1 );"