I'm trying to automate the creation of powerpoint decks that i have to produce every month. I'm working in Excel VBA and cant figure out how to copy a range from excel, and paste it into a slide as a table.
Below is the code i have so far:
Sub Open_PowerPoint_Presentation()
Dim objPPT As Object, _
PPTPrez As PowerPoint.Presentation, _
pSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Set objPPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
Set PPTPrez = objPPT.Presentations.Open("file location")
Set pSlide = PPTPrez.Slides(4)
Dim RevenueDetail As Range
Dim RevenueDetailTable As Object
Sheets("Revenue By Type Slide").Activate
Set RevenueDetail = Range("B4:I18")
Set RevenueDetailTable = pSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)
With RevenueDetailTable
.Left = 43.99961
.Top = 88.61086
.Width = 471.2827
.Height = 395.2163
End With
End Sub
This works OK but it pastes the excel range as a picture which is not ideal. i'd like to paste it as a table which is what the default paste option does, but then i lose the ability to re-size and re-position it on the slide by the means that i'm currently using. I've been messing with this for awhile and can't seem to get it right.
if i modify
Set RevenueDetailTable = pSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)
and change it to
Set RevenueDetailTable = pSlide.Shapes.Paste
it pastes in the format i want but i cant figure out how to reposition and resize. any help would be greatly appreciated.
mySlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=2
. When you now fidle around with.Top
you'll get what you need. Good luck with the implementation :) – JvdV