I have some VBA that successdfully copies cell data from Excel and pastes into a given powerpoint slide of a given template.
However, with the pasted object I cannot select individual cells and format as necessary. I assume this is to do with how the paste type is working - What would I need to change it to in the VBA code to make it paste so I can manipulate the contents of the cells?
If I copy some cells in Excel manually and then manually paste special "Keep Source Formatting (K)" once in powerpoint, I get an editable table, I can change cell spacing, insert new rows etc. If I can do it manually, surely it can be done using VBA?
Here is my code that does the paste:
'Opens a PowerPoint Document from Excel
Dim PPapp As PowerPoint.Application, PPpres As PowerPoint.Presentation, PPslide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim XLws As Worksheet
Set XLws = ActiveSheet
Set PPapp = New PowerPoint.Application
Set PPpres = PPapp.Presentations.Open("C:\Users\Colin\Dropbox (Edge45)\Edge45 Team Folder\Edge45 Company Documents\Templates\Powerpoint Templates\Edge45 Audit Template Macro.potm", Untitled:=msoTrue)
PPapp.Visible = True
Set PPslide = PPpres.Slides(2)
PPslide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteOLEObject, Link:=msoFalse
Application.CutCopyMode = False