
I would like to have my selections depend on the value of a Char field, for instance, a Char field defined as such:

my_char = fields.Char("Enter Something", readonly = False)

so I suppose the selection field should call a function, something like "_get_value"

my_selection = fields.Selection(selection = ' _get_value')
def _get_value(self):
    my_list = [('key1','value1')]
    #no idea how to assign the value of my_char to value1
    return my_list

Eventually, I would like to have the selections in the drop down list vary as the user input different strings in my_char.
Is this achievable in Odoo? Because if it's not, I should better start reorganizing my structure. Thanks a lot.

If the user writes option_1 in my_char field and then modifies it to write option_2, should your selection list be [('option_1', 'OPTION 1'), ('option_2', 'OPTION 2')] or [('option_2', 'OPTION 2')]?forvas
You should use many2many instead of selectionqvpham
@forvas the latter ~user132
@qvpham well what I want to realize is once the user typed down a string, he/she can select the same string in a drop down list in the same page, how can I do that in one page if those belong to 2 models? Tksuser132
@yesterday: okay, you can do it with 2 models. It's not really a problem. Selection must be predefined.qvpham

2 Answers


As far is i know, it isn't possible with field type Selection. But you can use a Many2one field for such a behaviour.

class MySelectionModel(model.Models):
    _name = "my.selection.model"

    name = fields.Char()

class MyModel(models.Model):
    _name = "my.model"

    my_char = fields.Char()
    my_selection_id = fields.Many2one(
        comodel_name="my.selection.model", string="My Selection")

    def onchange_my_char(self):
        return {'domain': {'my_selection_id': [('name', 'ilike', self.my_char)]}}

Or without a onchange method:

    my_selection_id = fields.Many2one(
        comodel_name="my.selection.model", string="My Selection",
        domain="[('name', 'ilike', my_char)]")

To let the Many2one field look like a selection, add the widget="selection" on that field in the form view.

How the domain should look like, should be decided by you. Here it is just an example.


No need to write method here. Just declare the dictionary to a variable and call it in selection field.

VAR_LIST = [('a','ABC'),

my_selection = fields.Selection(string="Field Name",VAR_LIST)