
I wanna change the value of status once I click save. status is a selection field [('ok', 'Ok'),('tobe', 'Not Ok')]

    status = fields.Selection(
        related= 'name.status'      
    def create(self, values):
        self.status= 'ok'
        line = super(MyClass, self).create(values)
        return line       

3 Answers


Status is a related field so after creating change the status of you many2one field.

  def create(self, values):
         rec = super(YouClassName, self).create(values)
         # here change the status. 
         rec.name.status = 'ok'
         return rec

The error is in your selection field declaration. It should be like this:

status = fields.Selection([('ok', "OK"),('not ok', "Not OK"),],default='tobe')

def write(self, vals):
    vals['status'] = 'ok'
    ret = super(Your-Class-Name-here, self).write(vals)

By default, readonly on every field is false, so no need specifying it inside the selection field.

Please, notify me if this solve your challenge. Thanks


On the time, when the method create is called, your instance isn't created. So self doesn't have any instance. self.status = 'ok' will change the value of status of nothing.

You can set the value in values like that:

def create(self, values):
    values['status'] = 'ok'
    line = super(MyClass, self).create(values)
    return line

Or change the value after create instance:

def create(self, values):
    line = super(MyClass, self).create(values)
    line.status = 'ok'
    return line

But the method create is called, only when a new instance is created. There is the case, that someone want to save the instance. Then you must override the method write:

def write(self, vals):
    vals['status'] = 'ok'
    ret = super(FrameworkAgreement, self).write(vals)