My Workbook has three sheets: "Wire Sheet", "Paste Data" sheet and "Wire instructions"
I need the "Wire sheet to dynamically populate with the data from the other two sheets based on certain conditions, i.e. date and data from that date.
I am using the index, match address functions to find the names from the "paste data" tab based on a specific but I can't figure out how to put a condition in there to only return names that are "buys"...
Here are my formulas:
This is just to find the cell:
S17= =MAX(IF('Paste Data'!B:B = 'Wire Sheet'!K2, ROW('Paste Data'!B:B) - ROW(INDEX('Paste Data'!B:B,1,1))+1))
S18= =ADDRESS(MATCH(K2,'Paste Data'!B:B,0),2,3,1,"Paste Data")&":"&ADDRESS(S17,5,3,1)
S19= =INDEX(S18,1)
here is the formula i am using to return the data: =IF(INDEX(INDIRECT(S19),1,4)=0,"",INDEX(INDIRECT(S19),1,4))
Example on how spreadsheet works:
Currently: if you place a specific date in cell K2 on the "wire sheet", the boxes (cells A18:O67) populate with the data from the other two sheets based on that specific date. The data coded "Sell" is being populated in the boxes on the wire sheet, but should not be.. here is an example:
For example: If you place the date 7/13/2018 in K2 cell, the cell B57 is populated with letters SCR, which shouldn't be the case, as if you go to the "paste data" sheet, this is a "sell".
Then if you place the date 7/16/2018 in K2 Cell -- the cell B18 is doing the same thing, its populated with WQ when it shouldn't be, as it is a "sell", on the "paste Data" sheet. I would like it to just skip over this row of data and go and find the next row that is coded "buy"..
I just want to place the data that are "buys", on the wire sheet. All the sells should be passed over. I am not sure how else to explain this, which might be part of the issue.
Thanks in advance.