I have two sheets of data, with matching data in mismatched rows.
On one sheet, I have a list of values.
On the other, I have a list of numbers which correspond to the row number on the first sheet that contains the matching value that I am trying to automatically copy to the second sheet.
Here's my code:
=INDIRECT("'Combined ICME+ipShocks List'!"&(INDIRECT("A"&H3)))
So it should be pointing to, on the sheet named "Combined ICME+ipShocks List", the cell in column A with the row determined by cell H3 on the current sheet.
Replacing what I have written for the second Indirect() with a simple cell (e.g. H3) works, so I suspect it has something to do with the second Indirect() that I have written.
a number or valid cell address? Seems like you didn't include a column'!A"&(
– Slai=INDIRECT("'Combined ICME+ipShocks List'!A"&H3)
or better yet,=INDEX('Combined ICME+ipShocks List'!A:A, H3)
? – user4039065