I am new in programming and in firebase. I am building an iOS app using firebase. actually I want to cache the image coming from firebase storage. and I am using Kingfisher pod to help me to download and to cache the image because.... it seems there is no cache image method provided by firebase storage
the code to download and to cache using kingfisher is like this:
let url = URL(string: "url_of_your_image")
imageView.kf.setImage(with: url)
it needs an URL, and thats why I manage to store the URL of the image that stored in firebase storage after the user successfully upload to firebase storage.
the URL of uploaded image in Firebase Storage look like this
it has token.....
let say it is an image of profile picture of the user, so I will store it locally in the device after get it from firebase storage.
is this approach safe?
if I check, the token is different for every image in the firebase storage so I assume it will be okay