I am new to the realm of STM32 programming and have been trying to find a suitable IDE for quite a while now. I know of all the other IDE's like Keil and IAR but the cost of buying them just to learn is far to steep for me at this point in time.
I have started using VS Code for a growing amount of my development work and I though it would be a good IDE to use for STM32 development. I have found many examples online over the past few days on how to configure the IDE to build STM32 projects but they all seem to be missing important information that I need to properly get the project to compile. It is rather frustrating,
I was wondering if there is anyone that can point me to a complete setup guide on how to set up VS code to work with cubeMX and the arm tool-chain, or if you are feeling really kind, send me a sample project that I can use as a base learn from.
Just some background information, I know how to use cubeMX to generate the base project as well as the associated makefile, I also have the latest GNU-Tools-Arm-Embedded installed.
Thank you in advance for your help