
I'm trying to build a SAAS product over Nest/TypeORM and I need to configure/change database connection by subdomain.

customer1.domain.com => connect to customer1 database
customer2.domain.com => connect to customer2 database
x.domain.com => connect to x database

How can I do that ? With interceptors or request-context (or Zone.js) ?

I don't know how to start. Is someone already do that ?

WIP : what I am currently doing :

  1. add all connections settings into ormconfig file
  2. create Middleware on all routes to inject subdomain into res.locals (instance name) and create/warn typeorm connection

    import { Injectable, NestMiddleware, MiddlewareFunction } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { getConnection, createConnection } from "typeorm";
    export class DatabaseMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
        resolve(): MiddlewareFunction {
          return async (req, res, next) => {
              const instance = req.headers.host.split('.')[0]
              res.locals.instance = instance
              try {
              } catch (error) {
                  await createConnection(instance)
  3. in Controller : get instance name from @Response and pass it to my Service

    export class CategoryController {
        constructor(private categoryService: CategoryService) {}
        async getList(@Query() query: SearchCategoryDto, @Response() response): Promise<Category[]> {
          return response.send(
            await this.categoryService.findAll(response.locals.instance, query)
  4. in Service : get TypeORM Manager for given instance and query database through Repository

    export class CategoryService {
      // constructor(
      //   @InjectRepository(Category) private readonly categoryRepository: Repository<Category>
      // ) {}
      async getRepository(instance: string): Promise<Repository<Category>> {
          return (await getManager(instance)).getRepository(Category)
      async findAll(instance: string, dto: SearchCategoryDto): Promise<Category[]> {
        let queryBuilder = (await this.getRepository(instance)).createQueryBuilder('category')
        if (dto.name) {
            queryBuilder.andWhere("category.name like :name", { name: `%${dto.name}%` })
        return await queryBuilder.getMany();

It seems to work but I not sure about pretty much everything :

  • connections poole (how many can I create connections into my ConnectionManager ?)
  • pass subdomain into response.locals... bad practice ?
  • readability / comprehension / adding lot of additional code...
  • side effects : I'm afraid to share connections between several subdomains
  • side effects : performance

It's not a pleasure to deals with response.send() + Promise + await(s) + pass subdomain everywhere...

Is there a way to get subdomain directly into my Service ?

Is there a way to get correct subdomain Connection/Repository directly into my Service and Inject it into my Controller ?

You should configure this using enviroment variables, defined just before you start your node server, like: DOMAIN=customer1.domain.com node server.js (if you're on linux). To use in your code use process.env.DOMAINVictor Ivens
It means that I need to run one node by sudbomain (1 app / port by subdomain) ... I would like to run one node for all subdomains and switch db connection per request.yoh

5 Answers


I came up with another solution.

I created a middleware to get the connection for a specific tenant:

import { createConnection, getConnection } from 'typeorm';
import { Tenancy } from '@src/tenancy/entity/tenancy.entity';

export function tenancyConnection(...modules: Array<{ new(...args: any[]): 
any; }>) {

  return async (req, res, next) => {

    const tenant = req.headers.host.split(process.env.DOMAIN)[0].slice(0, -1);

    // main database connection
    let con = ...

    // get db config that is stored in the main db
    const tenancyRepository = await con.getRepository(Tenancy);
    const db_config = await tenancyRepository.findOne({ subdomain: tenant });

    let connection;
    try {
       connection = await getConnection(db_config.name);
    } catch (e) {
      connection = await createConnection(db_config.config);

    // stores connection to selected modules
    for (let module of modules) {
      Reflect.defineMetadata('__tenancyConnection__', connection, module);


I added it to the main.ts:

const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

To access the connection you can extend any service by:

export class TenancyConnection {

  getConnection(): Connection {
    return Reflect.getMetadata('__tenancyConnection__', AppModule);

It is still a draft, but with this solution you can add, delete and edit the connection for each tenant at runtime. I hope this helps you further.


I got inspired by yoh's solution but I tweaked it a bit according to the new features in NestJS. The result is less code.

1) I created DatabaseMiddleware

import { Injectable, NestMiddleware, Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
import { getConnection, createConnection, ConnectionOptions } from "typeorm";

export class DatabaseMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {

  public static COMPANY_NAME = 'company_name';

  async use(req: any, res: any, next: () => void) {
    const databaseName = req.headers[DatabaseMiddleware.COMPANY_NAME];

    const connection: ConnectionOptions = {
      type: "mysql",
      host: "localhost",
      port: 3307,
      username: "***",
      password: "***",
      database: databaseName,
      name: databaseName,
      entities: [
      synchronize: false

    try {
    } catch (error) {
      await createConnection(connection);



2) in main.ts use it for every routes

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  app.use(new DatabaseMiddleware().use);

3) In service retrieve connection

import { Injectable, Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Repository, getManager } from 'typeorm';
import { MyEntity } from './my-entity.entity';
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core';
import { DatabaseMiddleware } from '../connections';

export class MyService {
  private repository: Repository<MyEntity>;

  constructor(@Inject(REQUEST) private readonly request) { 
    this.repository = getManager(this.request.headers[DatabaseMiddleware.COMPANY_NAME]).getRepository(MyEntity);

  async findOne(): Promise<MyEntity> {
    return await this.repository


You should use a custom provider with REQUEST scope.

Tenancy provider

import { Global, Module, Scope } from '@nestjs/common';
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Connection, createConnection, getConnectionManager } from 'typeorm';

const connectionFactory = {
  provide: 'CONNECTION',
  scope: Scope.REQUEST,
  useFactory: async (req) => {
    const instance = req.headers.host.split('.')[0]
    if (instance) {
      const connectionManager = getConnectionManager();

      if (connectionManager.has(instance)) {
        const connection = connectionManager.get(instance);
        return Promise.resolve(connection.isConnected ? connection : connection.connect());

      return createConnection({
        entities: [...(tenantsOrmconfig as any).entities, ...(ormconfig as any).entities],
        name: instance,
        type: 'postgres',
        schema: instance
  inject: [REQUEST]

  providers: [connectionFactory],
  exports: ['CONNECTION']
export class TenancyModule { }

Service class

Then on your services you can get the connection like that:

import { Injectable} from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { GameEntity } from './game.entity';

export class MyService {
    @Inject('CONNECTION') connection
  ) {
    this.myRepository = connection.getRepository(GameEntity);

  findAll(): Promise<GameEntity[]> {
    return this.myRepository.find();


You can get more informations in the following multi-tenants article: https://tech.canyonlegal.com/multitenancy-with-nestjs-typeorm-postgres


The best approach would be using a dynamic module just like you did with request scope to get ORM connection and make it connections specific. a really simple sample could be like this:

const tenancyFactory: Provider = {
    provide: NEST_MYSQL2_TENANCY,
    scope: 'REQUEST',
    useFactory: async (mysql: Mysql, options: MysqlTenancyOption, req: Request): Promise<any> => {
        console.log("TENANCY FACTORY");

        const executer = function (mysqlPool: Mysql): MysqlExecuter {
            return {
                db: function (dbName: string): MysqlRunner {
                    return {
                        run: async function (sqlString: string) {
                            const q = `\nUSE ${dbName};\n` +
                                sqlString.replace("; ", ";\n");
                            if (options.debug) {
                            const [[_, ...queryResult], __] = await mysqlPool.query(q)
                            return queryResult as any;
        return executer(mysql);

    providers: [tenancyFactory],
    exports: [tenancyFactory],
export class MultiTenancyModule {

    ) { }
    public static register(options: MysqlTenancyOption): DynamicModule {
        return {
            module: MultiTenancyModule,
            providers: [{
                provide: NEST_MYSQL2_TENANCY_OPTION,
                useValue: options

in this sample I have user mysql2-nestjs module but you can use your own ORM to create tenancyFactory

you find this sample in a working solution in below ling https://github.com/golkhandani/multi-tenancy/blob/main/test/src/tenancy.module.ts


I write an implementation for this issue for nest-mongodb, please check it out it might help.

Similar question https://stackoverflow.com/a/57842819/7377682

import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core';
import { MongoClient, MongoClientOptions } from 'mongodb';
import {
} from './mongo.constants';
import {
} from './interfaces';
import { getClientToken, getContainerToken, getDbToken } from './mongo.util';
import * as hash from 'object-hash';

export class MongoCoreModule implements OnModuleDestroy {
        @Inject(MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME) private readonly containerName: string,
        private readonly moduleRef: ModuleRef,
    ) {}

    static forRoot(
        uri: string,
        dbName: string,
        clientOptions: MongoClientOptions = DEFAULT_MONGO_CLIENT_OPTIONS,
        containerName: string = DEFAULT_MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME,
    ): DynamicModule {

        const containerNameProvider = {
            provide: MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME,
            useValue: containerName,

        const connectionContainerProvider = {
            provide: getContainerToken(containerName),
            useFactory: () => new Map<any, MongoClient>(),

        const clientProvider = {
            provide: getClientToken(containerName),
            useFactory: async (connections: Map<any, MongoClient>) => {
                const key = hash.sha1({
                    uri: uri,
                    clientOptions: clientOptions,
                if (connections.has(key)) {
                    return connections.get(key);
                const client = new MongoClient(uri, clientOptions);
                connections.set(key, client);
                return await client.connect();
            inject: [getContainerToken(containerName)],

        const dbProvider = {
            provide: getDbToken(containerName),
            useFactory: (client: MongoClient) => client.db(dbName),
            inject: [getClientToken(containerName)],

        return {
            module: MongoCoreModule,
            providers: [
            exports: [clientProvider, dbProvider],

    static forRootAsync(options: MongoModuleAsyncOptions): DynamicModule {
        const mongoContainerName =
            options.containerName || DEFAULT_MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME;

        const containerNameProvider = {
            provide: MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME,
            useValue: mongoContainerName,

        const connectionContainerProvider = {
            provide: getContainerToken(mongoContainerName),
            useFactory: () => new Map<any, MongoClient>(),

        const clientProvider = {
            provide: getClientToken(mongoContainerName),
            useFactory: async (
                connections: Map<any, MongoClient>,
                mongoModuleOptions: MongoModuleOptions,
            ) => {
                const { uri, clientOptions } = mongoModuleOptions;
                const key = hash.sha1({
                    uri: uri,
                    clientOptions: clientOptions,
                if (connections.has(key)) {
                    return connections.get(key);
                const client = new MongoClient(
                    clientOptions || DEFAULT_MONGO_CLIENT_OPTIONS,
                connections.set(key, client);
                return await client.connect();
            inject: [getContainerToken(mongoContainerName), MONGO_MODULE_OPTIONS],

        const dbProvider = {
            provide: getDbToken(mongoContainerName),
            useFactory: (
                mongoModuleOptions: MongoModuleOptions,
                client: MongoClient,
            ) => client.db(mongoModuleOptions.dbName),
            inject: [MONGO_MODULE_OPTIONS, getClientToken(mongoContainerName)],

        const asyncProviders = this.createAsyncProviders(options);

        return {
            module: MongoCoreModule,
            imports: options.imports,
            providers: [
            exports: [clientProvider, dbProvider],

    async onModuleDestroy() {
        const clientsMap: Map<any, MongoClient> = this.moduleRef.get<
            Map<any, MongoClient>

        if (clientsMap) {
            await Promise.all(
                [...clientsMap.values()].map(connection => connection.close()),

    private static createAsyncProviders(
        options: MongoModuleAsyncOptions,
    ): Provider[] {
        if (options.useExisting || options.useFactory) {
            return [this.createAsyncOptionsProvider(options)];
        } else if (options.useClass) {
            return [
                    provide: options.useClass,
                    useClass: options.useClass,
        } else {
            return [];

    private static createAsyncOptionsProvider(
        options: MongoModuleAsyncOptions,
    ): Provider {
        if (options.useFactory) {
            return {
                provide: MONGO_MODULE_OPTIONS,
                useFactory: options.useFactory,
                inject: options.inject || [],
        } else if (options.useExisting) {
            return {
                provide: MONGO_MODULE_OPTIONS,
                useFactory: async (optionsFactory: MongoOptionsFactory) =>
                    await optionsFactory.createMongoOptions(),
                inject: [options.useExisting],
        } else if (options.useClass) {
            return {
                provide: MONGO_MODULE_OPTIONS,
                useFactory: async (optionsFactory: MongoOptionsFactory) =>
                    await optionsFactory.createMongoOptions(),
                inject: [options.useClass],
        } else {
            throw new Error('Invalid MongoModule options');