
I'm using typeorm v 0.1.14.

typeorm seems to be generating the same alias name for two different columns in a Many-to-One join. It doesn't matter if I use eager loading in the @ManyToOne decorator (which loads the child using .find() method on the repository, e.g.) or if I use the query builder functionality to load the relation.

The simplest example I could recreate this with is below.

// SampleStatus entity/file:
import { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

@Entity({name: 'statuses', schema: 'master'})
export class SampleStatus {

    public id: number;

// Sample entity that has a child statusimport { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { SampleStatus } from './sample-status.entity';

@Entity({ name: 'samples', schema: 'master'})
export class Sample {

    public id: number;

    public name: string;

    @ManyToOne(type => SampleStatus, status => status.id, { eager: true })
    public status: SampleStatus;

Using those entities above in the simplest way possible: let result: Sample[] | null = await getRepository(Sample).find() || [];

This generates the following logged query, formatted by me:

SELECT "Sample"."id" AS "Sample_id", 
  "Sample"."name" AS "Sample_name", 
  "Sample"."status_id" AS "Sample_status_id", 
  "Sample_status"."id" AS "Sample_status_id" 
FROM "master"."samples" "Sample" 
  LEFT JOIN "master"."statuses" "Sample_status" 
    ON "Sample_status"."id"="Sample"."status_id"

Note how the two names are generated-- they are both the same aliased column name.

I am using this bit of code that I found, which converts the entity property names to be snake-cased. This gets passed into the connection set-up.

import { DefaultNamingStrategy, NamingStrategyInterface } from "typeorm";
import { snakeCase } from 'typeorm/util/StringUtils'

export class SnakeCaseNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy  {

    tableName(targetName: string, userSpecifiedName: string): string {
        return userSpecifiedName ? userSpecifiedName : snakeCase(targetName);

    columnName(propertyName: string, customName: string, embeddedPrefixes: string[]): string {
        return snakeCase(embeddedPrefixes.concat(customName ? customName : propertyName).join("_"));

    columnNameCustomized(customName: string): string {
        return customName;

    relationName(propertyName: string): string {
        return snakeCase(propertyName);

    joinTableName(firstTableName: string, secondTableName: string, firstPropertyName: string, secondPropertyName: string): string {
        return `${snakeCase(firstTableName)}_${secondTableName}`;

While the value being pulled back is the same (since it's a join column) and doesn't really cause an issue when running, I noticed this when taking the logged query and turning it into a view. Postgres complained about the duplicate column name.

Is there a way to either alias the second select into a different name, or perhaps not select the second value at all?


3 Answers


This is a known TypeORM bug for databases using the snake case naming strategy which is apparently to be fixed in their 0.3.0 release (see this thread: https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/issues/2200)

For now, you can get around this by defining your naming strategy as follows:

const SnakeNamingStrategy = require('typeorm-naming-strategies').SnakeNamingStrategy;

module.exports = {
   type: ...,
   host: ...,
   port: ...,
   namingStrategy: new SnakeNamingStrategy(),

Which is a bit nicer to work with than your current work around


I am facing the same issue, its sad that nobody fixed this bug already. I found an ugly workaround for this issue : you have to use different name of the column than class name you are referring to.


It's because TypeORM currently set's that column to be unique, you only have to specify column's unique option to false.