I'm using typeorm v 0.1.14.
typeorm seems to be generating the same alias name for two different columns in a Many-to-One join. It doesn't matter if I use eager loading in the @ManyToOne
decorator (which loads the child using .find()
method on the repository, e.g.) or if I use the query builder functionality to load the relation.
The simplest example I could recreate this with is below.
// SampleStatus entity/file:
import { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
@Entity({name: 'statuses', schema: 'master'})
export class SampleStatus {
public id: number;
// Sample entity that has a child statusimport { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { SampleStatus } from './sample-status.entity';
@Entity({ name: 'samples', schema: 'master'})
export class Sample {
public id: number;
public name: string;
@ManyToOne(type => SampleStatus, status => status.id, { eager: true })
public status: SampleStatus;
Using those entities above in the simplest way possible: let result: Sample[] | null = await getRepository(Sample).find() || [];
This generates the following logged query, formatted by me:
SELECT "Sample"."id" AS "Sample_id",
"Sample"."name" AS "Sample_name",
"Sample"."status_id" AS "Sample_status_id",
"Sample_status"."id" AS "Sample_status_id"
FROM "master"."samples" "Sample"
LEFT JOIN "master"."statuses" "Sample_status"
ON "Sample_status"."id"="Sample"."status_id"
Note how the two names are generated-- they are both the same aliased column name.
I am using this bit of code that I found, which converts the entity property names to be snake-cased. This gets passed into the connection set-up.
import { DefaultNamingStrategy, NamingStrategyInterface } from "typeorm";
import { snakeCase } from 'typeorm/util/StringUtils'
export class SnakeCaseNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy {
tableName(targetName: string, userSpecifiedName: string): string {
return userSpecifiedName ? userSpecifiedName : snakeCase(targetName);
columnName(propertyName: string, customName: string, embeddedPrefixes: string[]): string {
return snakeCase(embeddedPrefixes.concat(customName ? customName : propertyName).join("_"));
columnNameCustomized(customName: string): string {
return customName;
relationName(propertyName: string): string {
return snakeCase(propertyName);
joinTableName(firstTableName: string, secondTableName: string, firstPropertyName: string, secondPropertyName: string): string {
return `${snakeCase(firstTableName)}_${secondTableName}`;
While the value being pulled back is the same (since it's a join column) and doesn't really cause an issue when running, I noticed this when taking the logged query and turning it into a view. Postgres complained about the duplicate column name.
Is there a way to either alias the second select into a different name, or perhaps not select the second value at all?