I have an editable grid that uses a store. I want to insert a combobox in one of the fields. This is my store for the grid:
new Ext.data.Store({ ....
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy......
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
root: 'rows',
fields: [..... {name:'wid', mapping: 'wid'},
There is another store for combobox only, which has 'wid' and 'name' fields. In my column model:
header: 'Worker',
dataIndex: 'wid',
editor: new Ext.grid.GridEditor(workerCmb),
renderer:function(value, p, record){
return record.data['name'];}
And the combo itself:
valueField: 'wid',
displayField: 'name',
When the grid is loaded its field "Worker" is empty (it is ok), but there is no combobox in it. When I start editing it, I see all the list. After editing the 'id' is saved to the store, but the 'name' is not shown, neither is the combobox. What am I doing wrong?