
i have a grid in ext 3.4 having one of the columns with a combobox editor. {header: ' Facility', dataIndex: 'facility',editor: borrfacCombo}

The underlying store of the grid has 2 fields (and more) - facility and facilityid

The editor combo is loaded from a store which has a mapping of id and description(something similar to below):

{     displayField: 'name',
     valueField: 'id',
     store: { 
     fields: ['id', 'name'],
     data: [ 
         {id: 'scheme2', name: 'Green Envy'},

When a particular 'facility' is selected in the combo - I need the corresponding 'facilityid' to be populated in the selected row of the grid's store.
i am trying the following on 'select' in the combo -

select:function(combo, record, index) {
 var val=record.get('id');
 var grid=combo.ownerCt.floatParent;
 var selectedRecord = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
.... }

But 'combo.ownerCt' always shows up as 'undefined'.
How do I resolve this ?

Without seeing your complete hierarchy of components, we can only advise you to set an id on the grid and use Ext.getCmp("yourGridId"). Otherwise, one of the following could also work: combo.up('grid') (if combo is a child of the grid, for instance because it is in the grid's toolbar), combo.up('panel').down('grid') (if grid and combo are in the same panel)...Alexander
Ext.getCmp is indeed what i did.IUnknown

1 Answers


try this..
