I used the following R code to create a POSIXct date time field from a separate date and time field both in character format using lubridate and dplyr.
c_cycle_work <- tibble(
StartDate = c("1/28/2011", "2/26/2011", "4/2/2011", "4/11/2011"),
StartTime = c("10:58", "6:02", "6:00", "9:47")
c_cycle_work %>%
mutate(start_dt = paste0(StartDate, StartTime, sep = " ", collapse = NULL)) %>%
mutate(start_dt = mdy_hms(start_dt))
# 1 1/28/2011 10:58 2020-01-28 11:10:58
# 2 2/26/2011 6:02 2020-02-26 11:06:02
# 3 4/2/2011 6:00 2020-04-02 11:06:00
# 4 4/11/2011 9:47 2020-04-11 11:09:47
The start_dt field I created is in Y m d format even though I used mdy_hms based on the data. Also, all years have been changed to 2020.
Went over this several times, used paste vs. paste0, etc. but still stumped.