I'm working on a project that involves many different tibbles, all of which have a period
variable of the format YYYYMM. Below is an example of how all my tibbles look like:
tibble_1 <- tibble::tibble(
period = c(201901, 201912, 201902, 201903),
var_1 = rnorm(4),
var_2 = rnorm(4)
But for some operations (i.e. time series plots) it's easier to work with an actual Date variable. So I'm using mutate to transform the period variable into a date like follows:
tibble_1 %>%
date = lubridate::ymd(stringr::str_c(period, "01"))
Since I will be doing this a lot, and the date transformation is not the only mutation I am going to be doing when calling mutate, I'd like to have a user-defined function that I can call from within the mutate call. Here's my function:
period_to_date <- function() {
lubridate::ymd(stringr::str_c(period, "01"))
Which I would later call like this:
tibble_1 %>%
date = period_to_date()
Problem is, R can't find the period object (which is not really an object in on itself, but part of the tibble).
Error in stri_c(..., sep = sep, collapse = collapse, ignore_null = TRUE) : object 'period' not found
I'm pretty sure I need to define a data-mask so that the envir in which period_to_date is executed can look for the object in it's parent envir (which should always be the caller envir since the tibble containing the period variable is not always the same), but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.