In my game I use lot's of Box2D bodies which contains more than one fixtures. And also I use Contact Listener to detect the collision between different bodies. Unfortunately, I've got one terrible problem with it. When bodies collide, Contact Listener detect it more than one times. How to debounce Contact Listener? My log:
postSolve A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
endContact A: brows B: bShape
After I assign unique user data for each fixture of my body.
New log:
endContact A: f-3 B: f-0
endContact A: f-4 B: f-0
endContact A: f-5 B: f-0
endContact A: f-7 B: f-0