I have an Excel Pivot that I want to reproduce in a SSRS Matrix.
The Excel Pivot looks like this:
Notice the first column header "Full Face Masks" repeats on each column.
My SSRS matrix looks like this:
Notice how "Full Face Masks" does NOT repeat, despite repeating turned on.
As suggested, I've added an image of the Design View:
I've read through DOZENS of answers/sites related to repeating column headers.
I've even gone through the XML line-by-line to see if I can find an answer, but no luck.
So, in SSRS 2015, how do I make my report look like the Excel Pivot image. I KNOW it's possible -- I've seen it done but yeah... I can't figure it out.
[1 - Excel Pivot]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kVNnG.png
[2 - SSRS Matrix]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/EKmq7.png
[3 - Design View]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/du4f8.png