
I have a report in SSRS that uses a matrix with static columns. Here are the static columns:

enter image description here

After generating the report, the rows with same values end up being grouped together:

enter image description here

Is there any way to get rid of these groups? I'd rather the values be repeated for each row, so it looks more like an excel sheet.

Here is a better picture of my report design plus the row and column groups. These groups were created when I added them to the matrix and are not needed as far as what I can tell for my report:

enter image description here

try setting Hide Duplicates property to 'False' on the cell .Alan Schofield
I get this error when I try that: "The value ‘False’ of the HideDuplicates property of the text box ‘DeviceSN’ is invalid. This value is the name of a group or dataset over which to apply the hiding: it should either be the name of a group containing the current group or, to hide duplicates over the entire dataset, the name of the current dataset."AlanPear
Sorry I was doign it from, memory. Without seeing the report design it's hard to tell but can you put all cells at the detail level and don't use grouping, just sorting?Alan Schofield
That's been my issue. When adding static columns to my matrix it automatically puts them all into row groups. I've tried to get rid of them but they won't budge.AlanPear
Also, this answer gives a different approach but might be easy to adopt. AGain, tricky to tell withotu seeing the design. stackoverflow.com/questions/868064/…Alan Schofield

1 Answers


As you are not doing any calcuations on hte row gorups, there is no need for them.

Delete all but one of the row groups by right-clicking the rowgroup in the Row Groups pane at the bottom of the screen and choosing Delete Group. If prompted, choose Delete Group Only, otherwise it will delete the associated columns too.

When you noly have one group left, right-click it and choose Group Properties and delete the group expression, this will change it to be a details style group.

Make sure the Hide Duplicate expression is back to default (blank or None) in case you changed it earlier.

That should work. I replicated a similar scenario to your and the above step did the trick.

You will probably also need to go back to your group properties and set the sorting options to ensure data is sorted correctly.