This question is in the context of FPGA synthesis if that makes any difference. The data sheet (iCE40UP) states that each logic cell has a D-type flop with asynchronous reset and clock enable inputs.
Many verilog tutorials introduce sequential logic with something like:
always @(posedge clk)
some_reg <= [...]
I'm familiar with clocked logic and this makes intuitive sense to me.
Then the very next concepts introduced are usually:
- Be careful to not accidentally create a latch because what you really need is a proper register.
always @(posedge clk or [pos|neg]edge reset)
always @(*)
In Wikipedia I read scary statements like "if the system has a dependence on any continuous inputs then these are likely to be vulnerable to metastable states. [...] If the inputs to an arbiter or flip-flop arrive almost simultaneously, the circuit most likely will traverse a point of metastability."
At the risk of having my question closed for being poorly-formed ... what am I missing?
Is asynchronous reset recommended design practice? What is gained by not treating reset like any other input and having it take effect on the next cycle? Documentation for real chips usually requires that the RST* pin is held low for many clock cycles.
Does having a latch in the design make it asynchronous? How do we ensure proper timing is observed in the presence of a latch driven by something outside the clock domain?
When would anyone ever actually want a latch in a clocked design? Why does verilog make it so easy to create one accidentally?
Seemingly related questions: - Verilog D-Flip-Flop not re-latching after asynchronous reset - What if I used Asynchronous reset, Should I have to make as synchronous turned it?