I'm deploying a little backend with some methods. One of them makes a simple query to retrieve a list of objects. This is the method:
@ApiMethod(path = "getMessagesByCity", name = "getMessagesByCity", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST)
public MessageResponse getMessagesByCity(@Named("City_id") Long city) {
MessageResponse response = new MessageResponse();
List<Message> message = ofy().load().type(Message.class).filter("city", city).list();
response.response = 200;
return response;
And this is the Message class:
public class Message {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Long city;
I've read a lot of posts and all of them are mentioning that probably is caused because datastore-indexes.xml are not being updated automatically. However, Google doc says this (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/indexconfig):
Every Cloud Datastore query made by an application needs a corresponding index. Indexes for simple queries, such as queries over a single property, are created automatically.
So,following that, I think that index related files are not necessary for me.
If I execute the method "getMessagesByCity" with the simple query:
List<Message> message = ofy().load().type(Message.class).filter("city", city).list();
The backend returns me an error 503 with this log message:
"com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreNeedIndexException: no matching index found. An index is missing but we are unable to tell you which one due to a bug in the App Engine SDK. If your query only contains equality filters you most likely need a composite index on all the properties referenced in those filters."
Any idea? How can I solve it?