
I used Android Studio to create both an Android project, and its backend AppEngine Endpoints counterpart. I have a datastore for which I am using Objectify. The system worked great, until I added a filter to my Query (to show only specific given emails).

Query<Report> query = ofy().load().type(Report.class).filter("email", user.getEmail()).order("email").order("-when").limit(limit);

This is the POJO Datastore Entity:

public class Report {
    Long id;

    String who;

    Date when;

    String what;

    String email;

However, I receive such an error from the Google API Explorer when I attempt to test it:

com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreNeedIndexException: no matching index found.
The suggested index for this query is:
    <datastore-index kind=\"AccessReport\" ancestor=\"false\" source=\"manual\">
    <property name=\"email\" direction=\"asc\"/>
    <property name=\"when\" direction=\"desc\"/>

As I understand it, I simply need to create a composite index including the specific fields email and when, with their specific sort direction.

However, most documentation that I find tell me to edit datastore-indexes.xml.

App Engine predefines a simple index on each property of an entity. An App Engine application can define further custom indexes in an index configuration file named datastore-indexes.xml, which is generated in your application's /war/WEB-INF/appengine-generated directory.

Unfortunately, this file does not seem to exist anywhere in my project.

Is anyone familiar with the way to change this when working with Android Studio?


1 Answers


Create datastore-indexes.xml file and put it in /WEB-INF/ folder. The content will look like this:


    <datastore-index kind=\"AccessReport\" ancestor=\"false\" source=\"manual\">
        <property name=\"email\" direction=\"asc\"/>
        <property name=\"when\" direction=\"desc\"/>