I have a EDM.string field that I use to store Key Value pairs separated by '||' and commas. For example:
"CustomField": "1234|||student, 5678||blue, 999||metallica, etc..."
I need to perform a query to extract a key-value combination. For example:
search=5678 blue&searchFields=CustomField&searchMode=all&queryType=full
Using Regular Expression, I was expecting that the following should work:
I am using the default analyzer, so it seems that it's ignoring the '||'. I've tried using Regular Expressions but with no success. Is it possible to query by the key-value pair, without storing it on a EDM.Collection(string) ? I would like to avoid a new reindex process. Thanks in advance.
Using Collections and a new dataset:
"@odata.context": "https://[service].search.windows.net/indexes('[index]')/$metadata#docs",
"@odata.count": 3,
"value": [
"@search.score": 0.45867884,
"uniqueid": "5",
"Name": null,
"Kvp": [
"876||no education"
"Kvp2": "1234||sepultura, 999 programmer, 876||no education"
"@search.score": 0.38223237,
"uniqueid": "1",
"Name": null,
"Kvp": [
"999||horse education",
"876||high school"
"Kvp2": "1234||metallica, 999 horse education, 876||high school"
"@search.score": 0.38223237,
"uniqueid": "3",
"Name": null,
"Kvp": [
"1234||john mayer",
"999||kid education",
"Kvp2": "1234||john mayer, 999 kid education, 876||university"
My search query looks like:
Kvp: education&$count=true&queryType=full&searchMode=all
The problem is that I would like to avoid uniqueid 5 to be retrieved. Although it has "education" as a value for one of the tags, it's not the 999 key.
Also tried:
Kvp: 999||education&$count=true&queryType=full&searchMode=all
Kvp: /.*999.*/ AND /.*education.*/&$count=true&queryType=full&searchMode=all
Kvp: /999.*education/&$count=true&queryType=full&searchMode=all