public interface RefreshTokenReactiveRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<RefreshToken, Long> {

Mono<RefreshToken> findByValue(String value);


The next metod is in the TokenService class.

public Mono<TokenPair> exchangeRefreshToken(String refreshTokenValue) {
  return refreshTokenReactiveRepository.findByValue(refreshTokenValue)
        previousRefreshToken ->
        (previousRefreshToken, deleteResult) -> previousRefreshToken

I want to execute refreshTokenReactiveRepository.deleteById(previousRefreshToken.getId()) side operation which depends on previous mono result(Mono<RefreshToken>) and returns Mono<Void>. Then I want zipWhen return Mono<RefreshToken>.

I achieved this only by using then to replace returning Mono<Void> value:


So, are there any more clear ways to achieve this goal? What is the alternative for zipWhen in this case?


1 Answers


If you don't need the return value of the deleteById method, you don't need to use zip; here you're just interested in deleting the previous token from the repository if it was there, and returning it. Something like this should work:

public Mono<TokenPair> exchangeRefreshToken(String refreshTokenValue) {
    return refreshTokenReactiveRepository.findByValue(refreshTokenValue)
            .flatMap(previousRefreshToken ->

You could make this simpler by adding a deleteByValue method on your repository; you'd delete the token in the datastore and get it back in a single database query.