
I have simple task. I want to add to order products.

public Mono<OrderDTO> addProductsToOrder(String orderId, String[] productIds)

    final List<String> productIdsList = Arrays.asList(productIds);

    final Mono<Order> order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)

    final Flux<BaseProductInfo> products = fromIterable(productIdsList)
        .flatMap(productId -> productRepository.findById(productId)

    return order.then(combineLatest(order, products, Tuples::of)
                          .map(objects -> objects.getT1().addProduct(objects.getT2()))

What I also want to achive is to return updated order. Code below doesn't work as I would like to. Sometimes all products are saved, some time none of them. The database I am using is reactive mongo.


2 Answers


I solved problem with such solution.

public Mono<OrderDTO> addProductsToOrder(String orderId, String[] productIds)
    return orderRepository.findById(orderId)
                          .flatMap(order -> Flux
                                       .flatMap(productId -> productRepository.findById(productId)

From your code, it looks like you are trying to add a list of BaseProductInfo to the Order and save. You can achieve this by doing something like:

    public Mono<OrderDTO> addProductsToOrder(String orderId, String[] productIds) {

    final List<String> productIdsList = Arrays.asList(productIds);

    final Mono<Order> order = orderRepository.findById(orderId)

    final Mono<List<BaseProductInfo>> products = fromIterable(productIdsList)
        .flatMap(productId -> productRepository.findById(productId)

    return order.zipWith(products).map(tuple -> tuple.getT1().addProducts(tuple.getT2)).flatMap(orderRepository::save)