
My code looks for a QR Code in the frame received during the session(didUpdate) ARSCNViewDelegate method. I check to see if all four corners and the center of the QR Code are in the same plane with hitTest, and then drop an ARAnchor at the center. I create a SCNReferenceNode for the anchor with a reference to a scenekit model of a fairly large house (70'w x 30'd x 30'h) I position the house 30 meters in front (z =-30) and 30 meters to the right (x=30) of the detected QR Code, and it initially appears OK. However, if I try to "walk around" the model, it moves with me, always maintaining a constant distance and offset from my iPad camera. I have tried using my own anchors, the plane anchors created by ARKit, and lots of other ideas, nothing changes. How can I get it to stay put, like the plane model does in the boilerplate ARKit xcode project?


1 Answers


It sounds like although you created some new anchors, that you perhaps didn't assign your model to them? So when your model gets loaded and presented, it's being 'tracked' on the gyro. So you get that Pokemon Go effect where regardless of what you do the AR model doesn't change in size.